University of Warwick Archery Club

The University of Warwick Archery Club (UWAC) is an informal and inclusive student-run sports club providing a friendly atmosphere for its members to meet, socialise and shoot together.

Recent news

Air Rifle shooting Air Rifle shooting

Charity Balloon Shoot 2018

Posted by Megan Purchase on 24th June 2018

UWAC teamed up with Warwick Rifles to raise money for Helen and Douglas House with a charity balloon shoot.

Gents Non-Compound Team Gents Non-Compound Team

BUCS Outdoors 2018

Posted by Megan Purchase on 24th June 2018

Team Warwick archers headed to Lilleshall for a full weekend of shooting and came away with medals and BUCS points earned across the weekend.

BUTTS Champs Team 2018 BUTTS Champs Team 2018

BUTTS Outdoor Championships 2018

Posted by Megan Purchase on 22nd June 2018

This years BUTTS Outdoor Championships saw many Warwick Archers take home medals.

Outdoors Outdoors

Warwick Friendly 2018

Posted by Megan Purchase on 24th May 2018

UWAC hosted a friendly shoot on Wednesday 23rd May.

Eaton Manor Eaton Manor

Eaton Manor 2018

Posted by Megan Purchase on 10th May 2018

A training day at the Eaton Manor indoor range gave an opportunity for some long distance practice, without having to deal with the unpredictability of the weather.